Rachael Cann

Ben Webster counsellor and psychotherapist

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Rachael Cann

I have been working in a psychology/medical anthropology setting since 2007. After several years in the NHS realised that what I wanted was to help people in a way that was less constrained by the red tape and bureaucracy, that sadly dictates so much of the wonderful work done by everyone in the NHS.

Through integrated therapeutic approaches I work with clients dealing with grief and bereavement, anxiety, weight loss, LGBTQIA issues, depression, smoking cessation, exam stress, sexual issues and relationships. I also work with children for any of the above (appropriate) issues.

Specialises in: Anxiety & Hypnobirthing
Can help you with: Addiction, , Confidence, , , , ,

Hypnotherapy is now recognised in NICE guidelines has been seen to have a number of positive clinical effects. Through the rewiring of the neuro-linguistic pathways, the clinical changes and outcomes are really quite impressive.

I feel strongly that the most effective therapy comes from a strong rapport between client and therapist. Which is why I provide a space that is safe, non-judgemental and honest. Through working together and open communication I can help you to be the you that you want to be.

I am also a qualified Hypnobirthing Therapist. Working with women during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters as they prepare for a calm and peaceful birth, whatever that means for you. Hypnobirthing techniques have been proven to reduce labour significantly, and to enable women to experience birth differently to how they might be imagining it. I work closely with women to remove the element of fear surrounding birth through education and hypnotic techniques, providing them with confidence throughout the entire process from early contractions to having the birth that is right for them.

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Rachael Cann